Building a Writer

$web-only$ Thankfully because of the existence of resw completing the console.log debugging tool is going to be trivial. The primary entry point for resw is the Writer struct, which has a method write_part that will take a &mut self and &ProgramPart, so we can use that in our for loop to write out the parts as they are parsed. That might look like this.


fn main() {
    let mut args = ::std::env::args();
    let _ =;
    let file_name = args
    let js = read_to_string(file_name).expect("Unable to find js file");

With that complete we can see how well it works for us. Let's use the following example JavaScript.

function Thing(stuff) {
    this.stuff = stuff;
let x = new Thing('argument');

Just as a simple test we could enter the following into our terminal

$ echo "function Thing(stuff) {
    this.stuff = stuff;
let x = new Thing('argument');
" | console_logify
function Thing(stuff) {
    console.log('Thing', stuff);
    this.stuff = stuff;

let x = new Thing('argument!');

That looks exactly like the output we were looking for. Let's double check that it will behave as expected by piping the output to node

$ echo "function Thing(stuff) {
    this.stuff = stuff;
let x = new Thing('argument');
" | console_logify | node -
Thing argument

It worked!

$web-only-end$ $slides-only$

