An Overview

$web-only$ To get started building development tools using the Rust programming language, we are going to be utilizing 3 crates. The first is a crate called ress or Rusty ECMAScript Scanner, this crate is used to convert JavaScript text into a series of Tokens. Next is ressa or Rusty ECMAScript Syntax Analyzer, this crate will take that series of Tokens and build an Abstract Syntax Tree or AST. This AST is provided by a third crate resast. Either of these tools will be useful for building development tools however since the output of ress is essentially flat it means we can only build a much simpler kind of tool. Over the course of this book we will cover the basics of how to build a development tool with either of these crates. $web-only-end$ $slides-only$

  • What is RESS
    • Overview
    • Demo Project
  • What is RESSA
    • Overview
    • Demo Project
  • What is RESW (maybe)
    • Overview $slides-only-end$